Girl in the Castle

 a remote castle in Scotland

an academic in disgrace

a career in tatters

cue a phantom piper and a lost Jacobite treasure

a family feud and a past haunted by tragedy

Will the Girl in the Castle find lasting happiness?

Dr  Henriette Bruar needs somewhere to lay low and to  restore her tarnished academic reputation

Fate takes her to a remote Scottish castle in Argyll to auction the contents of an ancient library to pay the laird’s mounting debts. The family are in deep mourning over a tragedy which happened years before, resulting in a toxic relationship between the laird and his son, Keir MacKenzie.

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Looking over Loch Linnhe towards Castle Stalker

Cue a phantom piper, a lost Jacobite treasure, and a cast of characters who – with Henri’s help, encourage the MacKenzies to confront the past and move on. However – will the Girl in the Castle be able to return to university once her task is completed, and leave gorgeous, sexy Keir MacKenzie behind?

What one reader had to say about Girl in the Castle

My favourite parts of this book were the conversations between Alice and Lachlan, the dialogue from both of them was simply sparkling. Your short scenery descriptions were quite magical – I’ve never been to the Highlands and in fact never wanted to, but now I do! Your book reminded me of my beloved Jilly Cooper novellas that I used to read in the 80s. Handsome, difficult hero – I really could envisage him!

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